Tuesday, August 28, 2007

marijuana legalization!!!

Marijuana is not legal in some countries, but in other you can take it free…
The text is about marihuana legalization. It’s says that is the product of Cannabis sativa. It’s very popular around the world and a lot of people consume it. Marijuana has a lot of alternative names like grass, weed, etc.
Some people use it for medical purposes like Cancer, Aids, multiple sclerosis and it’s really good. But the majority consumes it only for pleasure.
Finally he text try to explain that a lot of years ago this topic has been a big problem in some countries and others could solve it like in Holland!
I think that is really bad for heath but have a nice smell. I know a lot of people that consume marijuana and they are really normal without anything physical or philological problem.

* Unknowns words for me:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Earthquake in Peru!


An earthquake struck Peru on Aug. 15, 2007, killing more than 300 people and injuring hundreds more. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the 8.0 magnitude earthquake was centered about 90 miles southeast of Lima.
More than 16,000 homes were seriously damaged in the quake, nearly all of them in the southern cities of Pisco and Ica.
We can see that when the planet moves there is no the one who is saved. It was really terrify because a lot of people died and all the rest lost everything. This people arein emergency, they need water, clothes, food and the government can´t control the situation.
It´s so sad and all the countries should help…!

"The immediate need is to get people food, water and temporary shelter"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

johnny the punk!


Johnny Ramone was the biggest punk… his name was John William Cummings. He wrote with Joey Ramone the best of the band. He had a big teen spirit forever, his technique was highly influential on first- and second-wave Punk and alternative rock bands, as well as myriad genres of heavy metal, especially trash metal!

he died on September 15(2004) and he opened a hole in hurts of punk boys!

When he played the guitar all the band had a specially sound.

He worked with Joey writing all the songs…fanatics says that when he wrote the song “the kkk tock my baby away”, he wrote that for a girlfriend that he had.

Johnny Ramone was known for his fast, high-energy playing style that consisted of rapid downstrokes played mostly over highly distorted barre chords, often in a simple

I-IV-V progression. Often called "Buzzsaw".

For me Johnny was the best of the beast playing the guitar in punk genre, his music is a big influence when I play the guitar and I think that never will be someone like him!

I remembered the first time that I listened the RAMONES, I knew that was something in his guitar very uncommon, very original that I liked a a lot!

Unknowns words for me:

*payoff: Profitability.

*Allegedly:As it is said ...

*prompted: urged

*futile: bay

my picture

Friday, June 15, 2007

clue 6

the silver vase(badly dented) was found in a flowerbed

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Far Far away a boy called huevo! tried to jump the big wall that was separating his town of the rest of the world. This town hadn’t name, the day was really dark and huevo was unhappy… so he decide to buy a fly-car and go to the big world!
When he came he was really lost and he discovered a lot of new things in this place; one of that was a Beer!
He drunk lot of beer and he met new friends… he never wants to back to his town because in this place there wasn’t beer!
Huevo became in a alcoholic and he trayed to kill him, he was depressive, he was thinking back about his childhood… he was really destroyed so he drunk and drunk and then he died.

i`m Matías Ramòn

I’m matias, i`m 19 and I live at home with my mum in San Miguel de Tucumán . I’m studying tourism at the UNSTA university and working in the morning with my father.
I like playing the guitar with two friends every week and maybe some day it´ll be a big band…
Now i´m coursing the second year of tourism and i have to study a lot!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

ARGENTINA 16!!!!! irelan 0!


Eddie O'Sullivan, the Ireland coach, believes he has learnt a lot about his side ahead of the World Cup, despite rounding off their two-Test tour against Argentina with a defeat on Saturday.

Ireland struggled during the entire game as Jeremy Staunton missed three penalties, while Federico Todeschini succeeded with four kicks out of five and Manuel Contepomi added a late try for Argentina.

Ireland, who will meet Argentina in their final Group D game at the World Cup on 30 September, had suffered a 22-20 defeat in Santa Fe on the previous weekend.

((((my opinion!!!!!!))))...It was a great match! i was at home with two fiends drinking beer and watching the match...
when Contepomi made the try we was really drunk ajaja... we was so happy!
Then Todeschini made the conversion and it was exellent.
Argentina played with all the players that maby are going to the World Cup; some of this players are: F. Contepomi,F.Todeschini, N.Vergallo,P.Gambarini,J.Fernandez Lobbe...
Ireland was really lose in the game and Argentina played so well. Contepomi played exellent all the game and then he made the agentinean try!
Tlking about the World Cup we know that that argentineans players have a lot of possibilities on the next world cup. maby champions! who knows??... but only i say that it was a great match and if Argentina plays like the last match we can be ChAmPiOnS!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

this is an exelent song! (listen it in bad moments)

Maybe I don't really want to
knowHow your garden grows
'Cause I just want to fly
Lately, did you ever feel the pain?I
n the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

Maybe I just want to fly
I want to live, I don't want to die
Maybe I just want to breathMaybe I just don't believe
Maybe you're the same as me
We see things they'll never seen
You and I are gonna live forever...

I said maybe I don't really want to know
How your garden grows
'Cause I just want to fly
And lately, did you ever feel the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

Maybe I will never be
All the things that I want to be
Now is not the time to cry
Now it's time to find out why
I think you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I don't really want to
knowHow your garden grows
'Cause I just want to fly
Lately, did you ever feel the pain?I
n the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone?

Maybe I just want to fly
I want to live, I don't want to die
Maybe I just want to breathMaybe I just don't believe
Maybe you're the same as me
We see things they'll never seen
You and I are gonna live forever...

We're gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever!!!!!!!!!!

(it was the first song that i learned in my guitar when i was 16! so i decided to post this ajajaj)