Tuesday, June 19, 2007

johnny the punk!


Johnny Ramone was the biggest punk… his name was John William Cummings. He wrote with Joey Ramone the best of the band. He had a big teen spirit forever, his technique was highly influential on first- and second-wave Punk and alternative rock bands, as well as myriad genres of heavy metal, especially trash metal!

he died on September 15(2004) and he opened a hole in hurts of punk boys!

When he played the guitar all the band had a specially sound.

He worked with Joey writing all the songs…fanatics says that when he wrote the song “the kkk tock my baby away”, he wrote that for a girlfriend that he had.

Johnny Ramone was known for his fast, high-energy playing style that consisted of rapid downstrokes played mostly over highly distorted barre chords, often in a simple

I-IV-V progression. Often called "Buzzsaw".

For me Johnny was the best of the beast playing the guitar in punk genre, his music is a big influence when I play the guitar and I think that never will be someone like him!

I remembered the first time that I listened the RAMONES, I knew that was something in his guitar very uncommon, very original that I liked a a lot!

Unknowns words for me:

*payoff: Profitability.

*Allegedly:As it is said ...

*prompted: urged

*futile: bay

1 comment:

Perla said...

I have read your comment on Johny the punk. I realized that one of the things you like the most, is music. It is nice because music ever feeds our spirit.
I also think that you are a very nice guy and I promise the next time not to talk about studies !